Rand und Band
Freitag, 2. Oktober 2020

In a primitive community every member can perform almost anything expected in its connection with the whole: in a highly differentiated community, each member is determined for a certain performance, or complex of performances. The extreme case is reached in certain insect communities, where the individuals are, so to speak, transformed into machines determined for certain performances. The determination of individuals into workers and soldiers in some ant communities by way of nutritional differences at certain stages amazingly resembles ontogenetic determination of germinal regions to a certain developmental fate. (von Bertalanffy; General System Theory, 1968)

Oder wie mein Freund Harvey sagt: Irgendwann is' Schluss mit revoluzzern, ganz von selber. Ich sag' dann immer: Aber wir sind doch keine Ameisen! Harvey so: Wirklich?

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